This is the second book in as many reads that has a theme of memory loss nestled between its pages. This latest one presented itself without my knowledge of said subject matter until immersing myself in the story.
If I'm being honest, I picked up this physical book (as opposed to an electronic one) because I found myself on a weekend drive down the beach in the area of an independent bookstore, I needed a short novel to consume quickly with the holiday season interrupting my usual schedule, and it appeared to address the problem of an author working to rediscover their writing mojo.
That last reason, if I'm being honest, served as the tipping point for this book coming home with me, but I didn't have any idea that I would uncover such a personal story that quickly shifted in a different direction, without any real choice by the author. The harrowing medical diagnosis and change in way of life from one moment to the next in this story made my heart ache, especially when as a reader, I was aware of things that the main character would be discovering for the first time, over and over again, due to her memory loss.
While the triggers and emotional trauma associated with each of these moments was painfully real, it served to help me appreciate as a human being what it's like to be in a situation such as this. And with Thanksgiving just around the corner, it feels like a moment of serendipity, a chance to give thanks, not only for the life I have before me but also for the vulnerability and authenticity of this author to share her personal experience in a way that "write what you know" becomes a lot more than a catchphrase.
This is one of the few book titles I've ever read that is posed as a question. And while it doesn't necessarily provide an answer we want to hear, it places us firmly in the shoes of another person in a way that helps us appreciate the unanticipated struggles sometimes thrust in our path. But more importantly, it reinforces the notion that hope and faith can be so much stronger with the right people surrounding us.
Dave’s Rating: ☕️☕️☕️
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